0% VOC
What are VOC's?
Volatile Organic Compounds is a generic term for the chemical substances that evaporate into the air after applying oil. Organic refers to the chemical composition of the components and volatile refers to the fact that they evaporate while drying.
Why are they hazardous?
Using products that contain VOCs releases vapours that are hazardous to both man and the environment. Excessive contact with VOCs can cause allergic reactions, breathing problems and eye problems. Furthermore, they affect the ozone layer and increase the greenhouse effect. No wonder that legislative bodies have found it necessary to intervene.
Our statement: 0% VOC!
Already in the development phase of the Rubio Monocoat system, three years before the first VOC legislation had come into effect, the bar was set significantly high in the area of emission. Not a low VOC content that could still be open for discussion,
but a clear statement about oil with 0% VOC. From the very start, we had already set emission norms for ourselves that were stricter than the ones prescribed in the current 2010 legislation.
How is that possible?
In spite of the hazardous characteristics demonstrated in VOCs, manufacturers refuse to stop using them altogether. They reduce their content to the lowest possible quantity, but they often do not abandon VOCs completely. This is because VOCs contribute to a large extent to the optimal workability of the traditional wood-finishing products. The action of Rubio Monocoat, however, is based on molecular bonding: a revolutionary technology in which the hazardous factors are eliminated while guaranteeing incontestable quality.